(Some of the System 6 and older programs would work in System 7 and newer, but it was a bit hit and miss. I just hope they go for a System 7 and forwards solution and not just a System Software 6 and older solution, since most of the really good classic Mac software and games were made in the System 7 to Mac OS 9 days.
Bassilisk II, Sheepshaver and the Mac Plus emulator I forgot the name of are less useful for me as a long time Mac user that has switched to Linux, but on Mac OS X, they run well.Ī sort of Wine for Macintosh System Software is really cool if it allows less overhead when running ClarisWorks or the like. Midi through USB from Finale doesn't work, but it works for GUI software and internal sound. Mac OS 9.2.2 in QEMU runs all programs for Mac OS 7 or newer whether 68k, PowerPC or Fat binaries. You can already run newer versions (7.0.1 - 9.2.2) of Mac OS under QEMU on Linux by emulating a PowerPC Mac.